Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

special needs ministry

Our Special Needs Ministry aims at meeting the spiritual needs of children and families by providing 1-on-1 care for students with various special needs, so each family member can join in on Sunday worship and fellowship.  

1-on-1 care Information
Our heart and desire is for all parents to participate fully in the adult Sunday worship and for your child to participate in their age-appropriate Sunday School. Our caring volunteers will be with your child from the beginning of service until the end.

PLEASE NOTE: We may not be able to provide support for children/students with higher behavior needs, such as aggression and eloping.

Based upon the needs of your child, we will modify the child's schedule to:
- Participate in age-appropriate worship with other children with or without 1-on-1 care.
- Join age-based small group class time if your child can do so.
- Spend time in our special needs ministry sensory room as needed.

We seek to partner with you in guiding you and your child to have a meaningful and worshipful time at church.
Our Special Needs Ministry is available for the 11 AM service.

We also require all new and returning families to complete our Special Needs Child Information form. Once it's finished, our team will reach out to schedule a meeting to talk about a plan for your visit.  

We look forward to meeting you and your family!
With Love,
Treehouse Ministry Team.